Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Not Me Monday

Okay, here is my attempt at a Not Me Monday.

I did not get the t-mobile bill in on Saturday, realized the bill was $112 over and begin to think "How could I have talked that much" but NEVER said a word to my DH. That was until the overage was caused by my 8 year old downloading games, THEN I told DH about the bill. Thus resulting in severe groundment of said child. I would never do that!

I did not send an email asking a friend to review a website and forget to attach the link. I am for to "together" for such a senior moment.

I did not have the "birds and bees" talk with my 10-year old and the whole time prayed that he would not ask any questions while I was telling him he could ask me or his Dad anything :)!

Well that's all I can think of that I didn't do.


  1. :-O I am REALLY glad to know that your 8 year old didn't buy games on your phone. :-O Glad to know that I have no need to watch my phone while in the hands of my (almost) 8 year old. Yikes!!

    BTDT with that talk ... and the "please don't ask questions!" prayer!

  2. Ha Ha Tammy! My 9 year old did not ask me if I ever "made out" with daddy. I did not giggle and refuse to answer...
