Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Not me Monday

Another week and another list of things that I did NOT do!

I did NOT "lose" my 8 year old in the house for 30 minutes and purposely NOT look for him because I wanted to enjoy a few minutes of the blissful quiet in the house. I did NOT find little "D" cramped up inside the kennel with Brownie.

I did NOT become TOTALLY embarrassed by little "D's" behaviour at the theater. He did NOT climb over the seats, jump down the stairs and act like a wild monkey. He would NOT, could NOT ever act like that because he is a total angel.

I did NOT leave my house Saturday morning to bring big "D" to his last basketball game only to end up at Yvette's house with no idea how I got there. LOL! Like I said last week....I am way to together for any signs of old age.

I did NOT get my feelings hurt twice this week over my children. I am too emotional strong for such a thing. Besides, my children are perfect so there is nothing for anyone to have to say about them, right?!

I did NOT secretly enjoy little "D" being grounded in his room and wish that he would have to stay there simply because he would read for hours without any complaints because that was the only thing he was allowed to do. NOT me because my son LOVES to read all the time no matter what.

Those are the things that I did NOT do. Come on and tell me some things you did NOT do!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Not Me Monday

Okay, here is my attempt at a Not Me Monday.

I did not get the t-mobile bill in on Saturday, realized the bill was $112 over and begin to think "How could I have talked that much" but NEVER said a word to my DH. That was until the overage was caused by my 8 year old downloading games, THEN I told DH about the bill. Thus resulting in severe groundment of said child. I would never do that!

I did not send an email asking a friend to review a website and forget to attach the link. I am for to "together" for such a senior moment.

I did not have the "birds and bees" talk with my 10-year old and the whole time prayed that he would not ask any questions while I was telling him he could ask me or his Dad anything :)!

Well that's all I can think of that I didn't do.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine's Day

Oh the wonderful day of Valentine's Day. First I must apologize to those who's plans were ruined because I had to cancel the V-Day party. I feel horrible and I promise I will make it up to you soon. On the flip side, I am starting to feel human again.

I was awaken to the thrill of a 10-year screaming, "HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY, MOM!" as he tries giving me a V-Day card from his father a few years ago. When that didn't fly, then they all asked what I wanted most for Valentine's Day. Me in my flu-like state exclaimed, "Let me go back to sleep and bring me some more Nyquil, please." So, after the basketball game I received a pot of tulips and a bottle of Nyquil. Isn't love grand?!!

Of course, being sick most of the week I didn't have anything for the kiddos for V-Day. I do tell them everyday in a million ways how much I love them. Shouldn't that be enough? Of course not. LOL!

So to everyone else out there, I hope you have/had a great Valentine's Day!

Friday, February 6, 2009


Okay, everyone together now....HALLELUJAH, HALLELUJAH!!!

I HAVE HOT WATER!!!! You should have seen me doing the happy dance. Believe it or not the only thing wrong was a dirty filter up inside the tank. I have now washed 4 loads of laundry and 2 loads of dishes. I was sooo excited I even let the kids have sugar today. Yes, they each had a root beer.

Of course Dillon took it a step further. He was with a friend this evening and discovered candy and a Capri Sun. You give an inch and they eat it all...LOL!!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Okay, I'm in a rambling mood. Last Tuesday, I attended a funeral for the mother of a childhood friend. This lady was a devouted Christian wife and mother. And she was a prayer warrior. Never before in my life had I attended a funeral where I left feeling a longing for a more enriched relationship with my Lord and Savior. Words cannot describe the feelings that I had. I made a commitment to do more to increase my personal relationship with Christ. Then the trials came and I slipped again.

First, we had no gas in the house and the water heater caught on fire. (Thankfully no one was home and it didn't damage anything but the water heater itself.) I thought okay, I'll pray and be thankful for the security from the threat of fire. Even as we went to bed in the cccccccold, I prayed and thanked God.

Second, Friday comes and we now have heat but still no hot water. The part for the water heater comes in and I'm really praising God for its early arrive. Chuck installs the part and we are all excited about getting hot showers. Low and behold, the water heater STILL isn't working properly. Now the praise is in short supply along with all my dirty dishes piling up everywhere and I'm now focused to wash my clothes in cold water. (I have this thing that clothes aren't clean if they are washed in cold water only.) Not to mention everyone is irritable because we all want HOT SHOWERS! :(

Now we get to Monday. The repair man cometh (sometime between 8am and 5pm. Don't you just love how accurate they are?!). He's here for about 15 minutes and informs me that the water heater is not functionally properly. (Really? I hadn't realized that! Sarcasm.) He is ordering 2 more parts and will come back on Thursday. Hopefully the parts will be in. (He is changing out every part on the water heater. Why can't they just bring out a new one now I ask. Because the heater is ONLY 3 years old; they will not replace it. Now I'm really puzzled. If it is ONLY 3 years old and this is the second time we have had a problem with it and now he's changing out all the parts, don't you think there is a MAJOR PROBLEM and it needs to be replaced???!!!!) Now there is absolutely no praise, no prayers and now I'm feeling the whoa-is-me syndrome.

This morning, Devon wakes up with a fever, sore throat, and aching all over. (Flu?)

The devil is a powerful creature and he knows just how to pile on things to make us weak. My sisters in Christ, I ask that you lift up in prayer that I will defeat this demon and hold fast to my renewed promise to gain a closer, deeper relationship and become that steadfast prayer warrior.

Okay, I'm off my soap box. Thanks for letting me ramble!

Photo Tag

Ok, here goes:1. Go to the 4th folder where you keep your pictures on your computer.2. Post the 4th picture in that folder.3. Explain the photo.4. Link to the person who sent you the Tag and then Tag 4 friends to share the fun!

Everyone I know has already been tagged.

October, 2002
Devon (4 y.o.)
Adam--exchange student from Hungary (16 y.o.)
Dillon (22 months)

My handsome boys just hanging out on the couch! Aren't they adorable?!!!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Kidnapping

Yes it's true, I'm a kidnapper and proud of it! Yesterday, I and Yvette kidnapped Jessica for her birthday surprise. First we took her shopping at her favorite store and she was able to purchase a new nice outfit. Second, we took her to the mall for a haircut/style and more shopping. Third, we took her to a kid-free home and she had a foot soak/scrub well Yvette and I made yummy snacks. Fourth, I gave her a hand massage and painted her fingernails as she watched her favorite movie. Fifth, Yvette gave her a foot massage and painted her toenails. Then we got all dressed up (I even wore makeup;) ) and took her to Suga's for dinner. Let me say that is now my FAVORITE place to go. Lastly, we took her to Rao's for dessert and coffee.

I had sooooo much fun! Yvette and I have been planning this for 2 weeks and we were so excited to be able to do this for our very sweet & special friend. I hope that this is a birthday she will always remember!

So yes, I am a kidnapper and I'm proud of it! hehehe

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Crusin' to Choate Cottage

Overall today has been a really good day. I only had one major problem but it was short-lived! Woo Hoo! Tonight after church, Dillon's teacher made a point to stop Chuck in the parking lot to say that Dillon was excellent. Dillon's comment was, "It was my twin!" LOL! I only wished that twin stayed around all the time but then I wouldn't have learning opportunities.

This evening the whole family gathered for a quiz on the state capitals. That was quite a competition. Dillon was the emcee and of course he wanted his Dad to win. Therefore, he would give clues for Dad to guess. So much for equal love. LOL!

Well, off to watch the Bachelor. Later all!

Travel with me to cyberworld

My first travel is to the new world of blogging. Bare with me...this is totally new for me. However, several of my friends are bloggers so I thought I would give it a try. I will try to update my page every evening on the days thoughts, events, etc. Are you up for the ride?